enigmatic's items

Neomail enigmatic enigmatic's lookup

Items enigmatic owns

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0.5 Welcome

Active as of March 2025!

Hi, I’m Megan! Welcome to my tradelist!

All items are based on their current ~Owls value unless otherwise noted.
I play daily and am especially active in the evenings (EST).
Feel free to NM to offer or discuss!

Non-wearables UFT:


Nostalgic Darigan Draik x2


Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram x2 (no LE)
Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x2 (no LE)
Camp Explorer Usuki Mystery Capsule x1
Usuki Doll Mystery Capsule x1
Usuki Hairstylist Gift Box Mystery Capsule x1

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1. Highlights

These items are higher value/popular/things I think are neat. I prefer to trade them for my high priority wishes, but may be willing to trade for low priority as well!

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2. Regular

Happy to trade this section for wishes (including casual), archive cookies/mystery caps, GBCs, or custom.

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3. Sale

Everything here is 3:1 for archive cookies/mystery caps of any kind, and 2:1 for GBCs!

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Items enigmatic wants

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2. Low Priority

No solid plans for these but I could see myself using them in the future!

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3. Casual

Would just like to have these in my closet!

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