dinkbot's items

Neomail dinkbot dinkbot's lookup

Items dinkbot owns

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I'm chronically online so if you NM me, expect a speedy response (less than 24 hours). I'm very picky and will generally only trade for the items on my wishlist, but for items permanently available in the NC mall I'll accept FQCs and GBCs!

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justroddythings: Pastel Pink Geese Cardigan, Goth Shadow Uni Floatie Wearable, Floating in Space Background (4 boxes)

snugglymimikyu: Baby Gothic Striped Overalls, Baby Gothic Mobile, Baby Gothic Nursery Background, Inside a Bird Cage Foreground, Kauboy Hat Cake Foreground, Handsome Shirt and Tie, Space Trooper Leggings (NO BOXES)

autobratty: Inside a Giant Fish Bowl, Butterfly Shower, Enchanted Tale Wig, Romantic Hot Tub Foreground (NO BOXES)

mkwartistry: Starry Auburn Wig (NO BOXES)

dinkbot (main): Everything else

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Items dinkbot wants

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