quartu's items

Neomail Quartu Quartu's lookup

Items quartu owns

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(For Trade)

Currently looking for my last customization wishes

Tokens for Trade

Darigan Kau

Robot Kacheek

I have a Neopoint Wishlist here! https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/quartu/351198/

This list is empty.

1-2 Caps

This list is empty.

Dyeworks UFT

can do GCBs and or item for item trades for these

This list is empty.

Items quartu wants

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(Priority Wishes)

looking for some items to customize my pets, 10 is highest priority, can offer GBCs and D/SSS for these

This list is empty.

Faeire Dolls

Last Dolls I need for my collection, can offer GBCs for these

This list is empty.