mail is always open for offers ^^
tokens for trade for d/sss ~
rg korbat• faerie korbat • grey/mara draik
This list is empty.pickier w these ~ not uft for customs unless I ask ~
99 ~ harder tpw
2:1 gbc sale ~
probs gonna hang onto these items but would consider trading for main priorities ~
actively seeking these items & keep in mind I do have a hidden closet I may part with depending on the item being offered ~
21 ~ hoping to find in a 2:1 sale!
can offer dsss & highlights for these items ~
items i’d love more of and use quite often! or sometimes an item I want but isn’t as important as my priority wl ~
21 ~ hoping to find in a 2:1 sale!
pretty things I may be interested in trading for or just generally love - if its the latter, i’m sorry if I reject fair offers! but always welcome to ask ^^
21 ~ hoping to find in a 2:1 sale!
also a section for replacement items, fillers & duplicates I want ~
items i’m seeking for my friends ~
not really seeking these items and they’re more casual than my casual list, but you’re welcome to at least try offering! I may say no to a perfectly fair offer for here sorry ~
21 ~ hoping to find in a 2:1 sale!