xyourmom's items

Neomail xyourmom xyourmom's lookup

Items xyourmom owns

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Hello! Welcome to my humble tradelist

Everything here is fully UFT. I usually value everything on the lower end of the OWLs value. :)

I am always accepting GBCs, Cookies (deluxe/basic training and upcycle most preferred), and dyepots!

Please feel free to neomail me! I am on Neo a lot. I will respond to all neomails (even if it's a no) so if I don't respond within 24 hours, then please send the NM again. I might have read it and then gotten distracted. :) Thanks!

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2:1 GBC / 4:1 BFGBC / 1:1 Cookie/Dyepot

Numbers = quantity

For cookies, mainly looking for upcycle or basic training currently

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3 Caps

Always accepting GBCs and cookies (currently just upcycle cookies)

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My highest value items

I am not attached to these at all, so feel free to offer BF/GBCs and/or my wishes.

Numbers = their OWLs

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Items xyourmom wants

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High Priority