lilithgaiaqueen1's items

Neomail Lilithgaiaqueen Lilithgaiaqueen's lookup

Items lilithgaiaqueen1 owns

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0. Important Please Read

If you do not have any of the items in my wishlists but have other items I am open to browsing your UFT lists.

Please do not offer GBC, Cookies or Dyeworks Potions.

I seek to trade my wearables for other wearables.

Thank you.

This list is empty.

1. NC UFT - Owls 1-2

This list is empty.

5. NC UFT - Owls 4-5

This list is empty.

6. NC UFT - Owls 5-6

This list is empty.

9a NC UFT - Owls 8-9

This list is empty.

9c NC UFT - Owls 10-11

9d NC UFT - Owls 10-12

This list is empty.

9g NC UFT - Owls - no owls value currently assigned

Open to Faerie quest cookies, nc archive cookies or other customs

This list is empty.

Items lilithgaiaqueen1 wants

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1. Nc wishlist - High priority

3. Nc wishlist - Low priority

This list is empty.