Hi! Please neomail: steph730 I play everyday and should respond within 24 hours.
All lists are open to trades: GBC, mystery caps, faerie quest/archive/upcycle cookies, dyepots, other custom depending on the item and wishes of course! Just neomail me an offer! Thanks!
I also have 3x Sweet Dreams & Nightmares Mutant Mystery Capsules and
2x Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms Mystery Capsule for trade
Open to trades: GBC, mystery caps, fq/archive/upcycle cookies, dyepots or other custom depending on the item and wishes of course! Just neomail me. Thanks!
Open to trades: GBC, mystery caps, fq/archive/upcycle cookies, dyepots or other custom depending on the item and wishes of course! Just neomail me. Thanks!
Open to trades: GBC, mystery caps, fq/archive/upcycle cookies, dyepots or other custom depending on the item and wishes of course! Just neomail me. Thanks!