korpikari's items

Neomail korpikari korpikari's lookup

Items korpikari owns

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Feel free to neomail - I'll almost certainly get back to you within 24 hours.

Even if you don't have my wishes or custom, I'll try to work something out for you. I'm not too hung up on values - I'd rather people get things they want.

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Items korpikari wants

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Dusty Sand Dune Foreground

I could dig into the closet for this, if you're willing to trade it

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Gallery Wishes

Very low priority
Non-wearables needed:
-Altador Cup Treasure Map
-Governors Treasure Map
-National Neopian Bank Treasure Map
-NC Mall Styles Treasure Map
-Rock Pool Treasure Map

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Stuff I'd Also Like, Just Maybe Not As Much

I'm at a stage where I'm mostly looking to add options to my closet

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Things My Wife Might Like