littleways's items

Neomail kailey_kitty1995 kailey_kitty1995's lookup

Items littleways owns

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Feel free to message, I try to check in daily and I'm usually up late 🦉
No question or offer is ever a bother.

It's a pretty small collection here, but I'm looking to wind down NC trading so wishlist items are a priority right now. Don't be afraid to reach out with item:item trades even if the values are a little different, willing to over-offer for some!

Tokens UFT:
Nostalgic Mutant Bori
Nostalgic Grey Draik

Tokens WL:
Nostalgic Ice Bori
Nostalgic Royalboy Draik
Nostalgic Valentine Aisha
Nostalgic Faerie Aisha

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00. Trading ⭐ Highlights

Might not be the most valuable wearables around.
They might just be neat, hard to find, or work well with a ton of things.

This is by no means a HTPW list!
Everything here is UFT, but I would prefer offers from my high priority wishlist for these over others

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03. 2:1 GBC Sale 🎁

I'll send two items of your choosing from this list for a gift box capsule
Sale list is very flexible, feel free to make other offers on anything here! :)

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04. Send-off Sales and Freebies 🍃

Items that are just cluttering up the SDB that I don't see myself using, so putting on special sales to find them new homes. Prices for these will be listed below!

Current Sale:
Rustic Garden Gate - 1 Dyepot
Mutant Whimsical Cloud Dream Staff Handheld - 1 Dyepot
Ghostkerchief and Jack-O-Lantern String Lights - Free
MME2-S3: Puddle with Golden Fish Tail - Free
Flower Petal Dress - Free
Fun Flower Staff - Free
Tower Princess Wig - Free

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Items littleways wants

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Gift Spotlight

Gifts from very sweet community members that are very much appreciated

Thank you so much!

Moonlit Balcony Background
Scaling Greater Heights Background
Black Faellie in a Pumpkin Companion

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🍄High Priority Wishes🍂

🐌Medium Priority🐛

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