cakeyratio's items

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Items cakeyratio owns

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*~* UFT *~*

Hiya! :3

Obviously seeking my wishlist items, but, I'll also usually accept GBCs, cookies (lab, archives, faerie), SSS/DSS, or dyepots! I use /~OWLS as a guide for pricing! I'll also be willing to browse your UFT list if you don't have anything on my wishlists! :3 Primarily seeking for WL for higher OWLS items and pops!

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Items cakeyratio wants

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*~* My Desires *~*

Hiya! :3 Looking for these items to complete my customs!

I can sometimes offer GBCs, cookies, other NC Shop items or items from my Tradelist!
Feel free to message me! I'll only bite if you want me to.

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