greeneyedfoxx's items

Neomail greeneyedfoxx greeneyedfoxx's lookup

Items greeneyedfoxx owns

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001 Please Read!

Last updated December 2024

Hi and welcome to my page! I enjoy trading and am always willing to look at lists or any offers you have or work something out! :) I do use OWLS as a guide, but certain items may be worth more/less to me based on how much I personally like them.

-Numbers on items refer to quantity not value EXCEPT when marked with 77, that means its pending trade

-Everything you see here is UFT, none are HTPW

-I love Neomail so please don't hesitate to mail me with an offer, or I am often online on NeoCord @jinggayle bells(greeneyedfoxx) if you're a member on the server! :)

---I am currently accepting BF/GBCs/Dyepots, but prefer Wishes as I have a lot of high priority items right now---

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002 My NC Items Up For Trade

Prefer to accept BF/GBC's, or wishes. If you don't have any of those mail me with an offer or I can take a look at your list!

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Items greeneyedfoxx wants

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006 Medium Priority

These are for planned customs but just not customs i'm focusing on right now. I am happy to accept as filler for larger trades but may decline 1:1 trades.

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007 Lower Priority

Some of these are for customs, some of these I just like but have no plan for. Happy to accept as filler for larger trades but not looking for them in a 1:1 item trade!

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010 Friends Wants Section

All lists below are high priority wishes of friends. :)

You may offer their wishes for things on my TL! :)

I also have permission to offer anything from Xeha's and Ahi's trade lists in order to get my highest priority wishes, so if you have my wishes from that section but I don't have anything you want, check their lists out! The others sometimes offer their items as well but I would just need to run it by them first so feel free to give me an offer to take to them! :)

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011 Ahi’s Wants

For a friend!
Ahi's trade list-

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012 Xeha’s Wants

For a friend!
Xeha's Trade List-

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013 Ravens Wants

For a friend!
Raven's Trade List-

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016 Chomby's Wants

017 Lexi's Wants

For a friend!
Lexi's Trade List-

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