Last updated January 2025
Hi and welcome to my page! I enjoy trading and am always willing to look at lists or any offers you have or work something out! :) I do use OWLS as a guide, but certain items may be worth more/less to me based on how much I personally like them.
-Numbers on items refer to quantity not value EXCEPT when marked with 77, that means its pending trade
-Everything you see here is UFT, none are HTPW
-I love Neomail so please don't hesitate to mail me with an offer, or I am often online on NeoCord @Gaylearoo(greeneyedfoxx) if you're a member on the server! :)
---I am currently accepting BF/GBCs/Dyepots, but prefer Wishes as I have a lot of high priority items right now---
Prefer to accept BF/GBC's, or wishes. If you don't have any of those mail me with an offer or I can take a look at your list!
Anything in this section is 2 items per BFGBC (black friday gift box capsule). Please take them!
I need these items IMMEDIATELY for customs i'm really excited about!!
NEED these items for my permanent customs!
These are for planned customs but just not customs i'm focusing on right now. I am happy to accept as filler for larger trades but may decline 1:1 trades.
This list is empty.Some of these are for customs, some of these I just like but have no plan for. Happy to accept as filler for larger trades but not looking for them in a 1:1 item trade!
-Faerie Krawk
-Mallow Grundo
-Blue Uni
These are just here as a reminder of the np items I need to buy for my customs!
All lists below are high priority wishes of friends. :)
You may offer their wishes for things on my TL! :)
For a friend!
Ahi's trade list-
For a friend!
Xeha's Trade List-
For a friend!
Raven's Trade List-
For a friend!
Oreo's Trade List-
For a friend!
Levi's Trade List-
For a friend!
Chomby's Trade List-
For a friend!
Misa's Trade List-
For a friend!
Lexi's Trade List-
For a friend!
Mel's trade list-