greeneyedfoxx's items

Neomail greeneyedfoxx greeneyedfoxx's lookup

Items greeneyedfoxx owns

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001 Please Read!

Last updated March 2025

Hi and welcome to my page! I enjoy trading and am always willing to look at lists or any offers you have or work something out! :) I go by OWLS to determine if a trade is fair or not, but some items may be worth more or less to me personally so feel free to ask!

-Numbers on items refer to quantity EXCEPT:
77 = Pending trade
55 = On a side that might need boxes (If no boxes, would need a gbc to send so just ask)

-Everything you see here is UFT, none are HTPW

-I love Neomail so please don't hesitate to mail me with an offer, or I am often online on NeoCord @Gaylearoo(greeneyedfoxx) if you're a member on the server! :)

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003 Backgrounds

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Items greeneyedfoxx wants

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I need these items IMMEDIATELY for customs i'm really excited about!! (Yes I need 20 ghosts for all my main pets for halloween because i'm extra haha)

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012 My High Priority

NEED these items for my planned customs!

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013 Medium Priority

I probably have plans for these but i'm just not focused on them yet, Not always reliable for 1:1 trades unless i'm casually trading, feel free to offer!

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014 Low Priority

This is my list for pretty things I just want to have/might eventually be inspired to use in a custom, but currently have no use or plan for yet. Not reliable for 1:1 trades unless i'm casual trading so like always, feel free to offer!

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016 Illusen Gallery

These are items I need for my gallery, ESPECIALLY the mystery caps!!! I have one of each but i'm trying for the Le boxes like a crazy person

Seeking These Caps:
-Illusens Lucky gift box mystery capsule
-Faerie frenemies gift box mystery capsule

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018 Mel's Wants