greeneyedfoxx's items

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Items greeneyedfoxx owns

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Current Announcements

Last updated September 19th 2024

Hi and welcome to my page! I enjoy trading and am always willing to look at lists or any offers you have, or generally work something out with you. I do follow OWLS loosley, but certain items may be worth more/less to me based on how much I personally like them.

-Numbers on items refer to quantity not value

-Everything you see here is UFT

-I prefer Neomail so please don't hesitate to mail me with an offer, I am online daily/often :)

About Mel's Wants/UFT list, My friend Mel is very anxious about trading but wants to get into the scene. I am essentially "trade manager" for her items. All offers for her listed items will be mailed to me, but run by her first. We are both online daily so just give at least 12-24 hours to get back to you! BE AWARE I will ONLY trade her UFT items for stuff in HER wants list/wants list description, not for any of my items, and all items will be sent to/from her account!

---I am currently accepting GBC's/FQC's!---

To clarify, since we both accept GBC’s and FQC’s, if you want to trade for an item off Mel’s list it will go to her, and if you want to trade for an item off my list it will go to me :)

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Items greeneyedfoxx wants

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Mel's Wants/wishes

Always accepting FQC's and GBC's!

Will only accept these items in a trade if you are interested in trading for items from MEL'S UFT List. Will not accept these for trades with my own items.

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