welcome to my trade lists! feel free to nm me (pinkakuma) or message on discord (peachakuma) :3
i'm currently seeking my unwearable and strawberry wishes ^^
i collect certain petpets and their items in my gallery :3 if you see something i dont have/on my wl let me know!
unwearables tl/wl: items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/pinkakuma/389472
the more popular items or items i think are pretty cute! :3 trading these for preferably high priority wishes/strawberry/unwearable wl or (bf)gbcs
99 is only uft for more rare items - anything else on my entire list is quantities ^^
can trade these for all wishes and (bf)gbcs (some of these could be 2:1, just ask)
1:1 Lab/Upcycle/FQC / 2:1 gbc / 3:1 bfgbc
actively seeking these, offering all of tl and (bf)gbcs
nonwearables wishes: items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/pinkakuma/389472
i could see myself using these in customs but i don't have any plans.. i also just like filters lol. not actively seeking unless in sales or filler
i like collecting certain petpets and these didn't make the cut for my gallery but they're still cute! not actively seeking unless in sales or filler :3 (21 means hoping to find in sale!)
i like peach and strawberry items! actively seeking these, offering all of tl and (bf)gbcs (21 means hoping to find in sale!)
This list is empty.reminders to buy at some point ^^