meetonton's items

Neomail meetonton meetonton's lookup

Items meetonton owns

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00. Info

I mostly go by Owls for values, but might have occasional differences in opinion I am online daily :)

My closet and any items I am unsure about trading are hidden. Everything visible is 100% UFT.

Numbering system is XXX. First two XX = account reference for me. Third X = Qty I have, if I have more than one

Non wearables UFT:

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03. UFT for wishes/BFGBC/SSS

These are items I like but am not overly attached to

Numbering system is XXX. First two XX = account reference for me. Third X = Qty I have, if I have more than one

This list is empty.

04. UFT - for wishes/(BF)GBCs/DW caps/cookies/dyepots

For cookies - prefer FQC/lab/upcycle.
For FQC and dyepots, I value them at 2 = 1 cap.
This doesn't mean I won't accept 1 cookie or 1 dyepot! Just depends on the item

Numbering system is XXX. First two XX = account reference for me. Third X = Qty I have

This list is empty.

04b. Grams - UFT for wishes/GBCs/cookies/dye pots

Unique Species Green Gram x 1

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Items meetonton wants

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01. Dreams

This list is empty.

02. High priority

This list is empty.