mooncakess's items

Neomail t0astii t0astii's lookup

Items mooncakess owns

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~ Magical trading time ~

Hello and welcome :3

All items uft, preferably for wishes, but will also consider customs, bf/gbc's, cookies, and casual trades!

For things in my wishlist I can also offer bfgbc, sometimes various cookies, and a dsss (for higher priority items) <3

Please neomail me at (t0astii) or preferably message me on discord (taro.bun.)

Usually online daily and happy to chat and trade! I am newer to nc trading so kindness is appreciated~ Ty ^_^

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Up For Trade

Items here are UFT :)

usually seeking bf/gbc's, customs or wishes but open to other offers~

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Items mooncakess wants

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Currently Seeking

Currently seeking these and will trade anything on my TL, bfgbc's, dsss, or customs for these!

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General wishlist ~

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