sierrasiobhanh's items

Neomail sierrasiobhan sierrasiobhan's lookup

Items sierrasiobhanh owns

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Closet / VHTPW

These are items currently in my closet, most of which are being used for current customizations. Feel free to offer, but I will likely not trade / be unreasonably picky with these. Additionally, some of these items were gifts so they are definitely not UFT, sorry!

Numbers just reference what account the items are on.

22 - sierraanddeclan (boxless)

33 - hobosrawk (boxless)

44 - shamrok_ (boxless)

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Regular UFT

I've only got a handful of things UFT at the moment. I'm always open to offers on anything in this list! Neomail me any time! (numbers are just location reference!)

Non Wearables UFT:

Shenanigifts Invite 1 Pack

NC Archives Fortune Cookie

Unique Species Green Gram w/ LE x2

Unique Species Green Gram x3

Darigan Citadel Fence (22)

Kiko Lake Fence (22)

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Items sierrasiobhanh wants

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Higher Priority

hey! i only have a few wishes at the moment. feel free to nm me for any trades!

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