iiximeow's items

Neomail meowzxi meowzxi's lookup

Items iiximeow owns

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- 1meow - 🎈

  • i don't usually have many bf/gbcs available but feel free to ask
  • i might accept dyepots as fillers or dyepot offers as well
  • numbers are always quantity i want/have
  • custom available? yes/no.
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- bgs & bg items -

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Items iiximeow wants

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- medium priority - 🍒

items i will need but i most likely don't own the pet/token for them yet

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- meowzxi - 🦋

for my side account pretties, priority may vary depending on what i'm seeking at the time, but would love to get these so feel free to offer them :)

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- np - 🌹

for personal reference, mostly

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