vegetas_angel76's items

Neomail vegetas_angel76 vegetas_angel76's lookup

Items vegetas_angel76 owns

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2. Up For Trade: High Value

I will be much more picky with these ones

This list is empty.

3. Up For Trade: Premium Collectible

Happy to do 2:1 to get my wishes.

This list is empty.

4. Up For Trade: Dyeworks

Happy to do 2:1 to get my wishes.

This list is empty.

5. Up For Trade: Other

Happy to do 2:1 to get my wishes.

This list is empty.

Items vegetas_angel76 wants

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NC Wishlist

I am desperate for these. I also have a custom up to 1000NC to use and many BFGBCs. All wishes go to vegetas_angel76

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