ohmylatte's items

Neomail ohmylatte ohmylatte's lookup

Items ohmylatte owns

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I check Neopets daily and will respond to messages within 24 hours. If you've not heard from me in 24 hours and my user lookup says I've been online, feel free to message me again :)

I've only recently come back to Neopets and am still pretty new to trading. I do not have side accounts for now, so any trades would be sent to my main (only) account.

I am open to offers of GBCs/BFGBCs (I value these the same) and capsules. I am not interested in cookies or styling supplies currently unless otherwise noted. I primarily want to trade for wishes, but always open to offers or to check out your list!

I am looking for a Campfire Smores Gift Box Mystery Capsule - please reach out if you have one and what you'd want for it!

Numbers always mean quantity. I update my wishlist as soon as I've sent out an item for trading.

This list is empty.

1. Regular tradelist

This list is empty.

4. Gallery items

These items live in my gallery - unlikely to trade these, and only for high prio wishes

This list is empty.

Items ohmylatte wants

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