catsflores's items

Items catsflores owns

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00. ABOUT ME .00

hey yall, i go by vv. i have a lot of fun trading and love to customize my bbs.

feel free to neomail offers if you have any. my inbox is open and for the most part i answer all neomails. if i miss you, feel free to re-send. i have a lot of neomail traffic from trading/rerolling capsules (lol) and sometimes accidentally delete important/unread neomails D:

i'm an easy going, chill person. don't be afraid to reach out :D

how i like to trade:

  • numbers just mean quantities

  • i use owls as a reference, and trade on the lower end.

  • if you see it on a higher end, let me know. i may be open to it.

  • my tradelist is all uft. however, i do apologize if dti glitches or if i make a mistake and having an item that is no longer uft.

  • i'm usually open to customs but it depends on the nc i have at the moment.

  • i don't have a 2:1 section but feel free to browse and make offers if you find something!!

i'm here to have fun, so i hope you are as well. i try my best to be kind and mindful of trading courtesy. please leave any toxicity or negativity out. i'm on neopets to have fun. thank you!

token UFT

  • Prismatic Cyan: Nostalgic Faerie Xweetok
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1. bg uft

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2. foregrounds, trinkets, effects, bg stuff

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4. clothing uft

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You can inquire about it, and I'll keep you in mind if this item(s) falls through!

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Items catsflores wants

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0. alexis_the_ixi wl

0. kougra_world_10 wishes

if you have these, please neomail me or kougra_world_10!!

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0. xweetak5 wishes

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my low prio

21 means i've seen it on 2:1 sales

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