vanessa_permadi's items

Neomail vanessa_permadi vanessa_permadi's lookup

Items vanessa_permadi owns

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Hi There!

Feel free to neomail, I'm online daily, friendly and don't bite! I will try to use owl value, though I'm willing to accept trade in lower value for things I really want/like. But I may also decline completely fair trade, sorry in advance~

Since I'm new to NC, I may miss owl value but it's still okay to haggle (kindly) with me =)

Just try me, shoot your shot. Will respond to NM as quickly as I can :)

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3) SALE Everything Must Go Sale

Please take them away from me! If you like something from here, please NM me. I'll accept almost 100% trade offer for wishes, items, GBCs, caps, cookies in a 2:1 or 3:1 or even 4:1

Or if we're doing a trade and you want something from this list, just let me know. I'll be happy to send them as freebies.

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Items vanessa_permadi wants

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