Hi There!
Feel free to neomail, I'm online daily, friendly and don't bite! I will try to use owl value, though I'm willing to accept trade in lower value for things I really want/like. But I may also decline completely fair trade, sorry in advance~
Since I'm new to NC, I may miss owl value but it's still okay to haggle (kindly) with me =)
Just try me, shoot your shot. Will respond to NM as quickly as I can :)
Only trading these for priority wishes or fair value items! Not accepting GBCs for these..
Numbers represents quantities
99 means the item is in a pending trade
Casual trading! May accept wishes/items/GBCs/Cookies/dyepots/etc for these
Send me your offer! =)
Please take them away from me! If you like something from here, please NM me. I'll accept almost 100% trade offer for wishes, items, GBCs, caps, cookies in a 2:1 or 3:1 or even 4:1
Or if we're doing a trade and you want something from this list, just let me know. I'll be happy to send them as freebies.
Have plans for these and want ASAP
Hit me with these items and you can ask things in my Highlights section or UFT section ^^
Also I can offer different items like GBCs, cookies, any buyable items etc
Things I find cute but have no urgency :) I may or may not accept offer
This list is empty.