Last Updated: 1/25/2025
Time Zone: EST (NST + 3)
Numbers = Quantity
NOTE FOR WEEKEND OF 1/25: Power issues here, internet may go out without warning. If it interrupts a trade, know I will send my side as soon as I can.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
IF YOU ARE SENDING FROM A DIFFERENT ACCOUNT - GIVE ME THE NAME! I do too many trades and I keep having to ask people for this information. When multiple people send from different accounts, I don't know one from the other. You MUST specify.
FOR THOSE WHO LOVE BOOKS: I'm Zanzia on GR (One Ring profile pic) and Zanzia416 on SG. =)
SAY WHERE TO SEND in your NM please.
I value BFs at 1.5, not 2.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
IF YOU ARE SENDING FROM A DIFFERENT ACCOUNT - GIVE ME THE NAME! I do too many trades and I keep having to ask people for this information. When multiple people send from different accounts, I don't know one from the other. You MUST specify.
SAY WHERE TO SEND in your NM please.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
SAY WHERE TO SEND in your NM please.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
SAY WHERE TO SEND in your NM please.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
Please do not neomail if you're planning on contacting multiple people within 24 hours.
Not interested in custom or either Supplies at this time.