lachtaube's items

Neomail Lachtaube Lachtaube's lookup

Items lachtaube owns

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0‿0 Greetings!

Neomail is finnicky! If I don't reply back within 24 hours, please assume that your neomail was lost to the void, and try resending or reaching out on Discord.

I greatly prefer being contacted on Discord as it's much easier! You can find me in the Neopets server as @lachtaube.

Non-Wearables for Trade:

I generally value BFGBCs at 1.5-2, depending on availability of the item.

(Also... I do currently have a Neopian Times Background up for trade, tentatively. I likely would not part with for less than 1b. If either are something you need, feel free to message to negotiate.)

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1 - Main Account Trade List

From account: Lachtaube
Gift boxes: 7
(500 = still in openable)

This list is empty.

6 - NC Items for Trade - Kularro (2:1 / 3:1 inside)

Items lachtaube wants

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1 - Actively Seeking Wishlist - Lachtaube

"99" is highest priority.
Items to go on my main account, Lachtaube (Emsohl, Liwed, Lynnoir, Paarlei, Quoxwood, Snirpit, Ubuuroi, Vihrea)

Tokens I'm interested in:
- Nostalgic Darigan Blumaroo
- Nostalgic Baby Eyrie
- Regal Royalboy Ogrin

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2 - Actively Seeking Wishlist - Flagge

"99" is highest priority.
Wishlist items for my side account, Flagge (Atrocita, Cattnapp, Cerinu, Inflicts, Roslace, Torgalla.)

This list is empty.

3 - Actively Seeking Wishlist - Klaasek

Wishlist items for my side account, Klaasek (Abamenius, Darajex, Evogen, Lacheir, Owylle, SYRON84, Tiplara, Zeddmore)

This list is empty.

4 - Actively Seeking Wishlist - Heilde

Wishlist items for my side account, Heilde (Benevoile, Larkspell, Moriem, Pipjaw, Raddywag, Shastarry, Zoulia)

This list is empty.

5 - Seeking for 🥔 Potato Gallery

Want but not currently seeking

Too expensive or just not going to use right now/alt custom options.
For my own reference: Number is indicative of the account they go on.
(No number specified) 1 ➜ Lachtaube (Main)
2 ➜ Flagge (Side)
3 ➜ Klaasek (Side)
4 ➜ Heilde (Side)

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