Khager's items

Neomail shorte2002 shorte2002's lookup

Items Khager owns

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Jump to wishlist!

Offering this list 2:1 for gbc, 4:1 for bfgbc.

This list is empty.

A Trading List

Willing to trade most of these besides DWs for gbc.

This list is empty.

Side Account UFT

Always accepting GBC 2:1 for buyables on the same account.
Numbers are location not value.
6 - babesbluemoon
7 - emperes_kristen
8 - callmedreamer
9 - babes_plushie_place

This list is empty.

Items Khager wants

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1: Seeking

Token/NP Wishlist & Unwearables UFT

If you've got anything I'm looking for please show me your wl!
!!!Please Note!!! Items marked 4, I doubt I can currently aFOURd unless you give discounts for terrible jokes.

Seeking Tokens/SSS:
Adoring Valentine Aisha
SSS x2 for plushie babies
Ghost Kacheek (for friend)

Wishes here go to @shorte2002

This list is empty.

3: For Other Accounts

Numbers are location.
6 - babesbluemoon
7 - emperes_kristen
8 - callmedreamer
9 - babes_plushie_place

Seeking Tokens:
Tyrannian Peophin
Plushie Baby Korbat

This list is empty.

4. For hubby

Goes to emperor_ron

Halloween Poogle

This list is empty.