_rodeo_'s items

Neomail _rodeo_ _rodeo_'s lookup

Items _rodeo_ owns

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0. Hello

Hello! Please feel free to send me a NM if you'd like to trade! I always try to respond as promptly as possible. I am online daily, but sometimes only briefly!

Tokens UFT:
Nostalgic Maraquan Zafara
Nostalgic Plushie Wocky
Nostalgic Faerie Eyrie
Nostalgic Darigan Ixi
Nostalgic Faerie Draik

Tokens I'm Seeking:
Nostalgic Grey Peophin

Disclaimer: I will ONLY contact you from my main account _ rodeo _ (remove spaces). Other than the odd GBC, I will usually only ask for items to be sent to my main account. If you don't hear back from me, please try again! I always try my best to respond as quickly as possible, but I am a busy mom and can be forgetful!

This list is empty.

A. Regular UFT

I recently deleted my 2:1 list! THERE MAY BE BUYABLES HERE! I will work on reorganizing, but please feel absolutely free to ask about 2:1 trades!

This list is empty.

D. UFT - Side Accounts

currently 5 boxes on my side account
Please let me know if you spot a buyable so that I can remove it from the list.
There are plenty of items here that I'd be willing to part with 2:1!

This list is empty.

Items _rodeo_ wants

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