These are the best items I can offer. I will only part with them for high priority or multiple wishlist items as my tradelist is quite limited. Thanks for understanding!
Plus some cakes, a bunch of goodie bags, a hue brew or two, game items, and customs!
For full list, including non-wearables, visit:
These items can be obtained by the goodie bags and cakes I own. I send you the bag/cake, and you get the original joy of playing with it/eating it to find the item inside!
Items I'm hanging onto that may or may not end up in a gallery or two. Offer your best!
Items I have plans for, but don't have the pet ready yet. Also items I already own but are stuck on the wrong account without gift boxes. Qty Explained:
11 = Lower Priority.
21 = Seen recently (in the last month) in a 2:1 or 3:1 sale & would prefer a sale trade.
99 = Higher Priority.
Also searching a Festive Christmas Shoyru token!
Items that are valued higher than I expected, probably taking away any chance of ever obtaining them. Have found NP alternatives and will not be seeking for their current trade values, but still, dream goals. 💕
Items for pet customs I've come up with, but unsure I'll pursue, and/or items I'm currently undecided on if I'll actually use. Otherwise, items I like but haven't found a use for yet! Very low priority, not actively seeking and only likely to be interested if its thrown in as an extra and/or sales. Qty Explained:
11 = Lower Priority.
21 = Seen recently (in the last month) in a 2:1 or 3:1 sale & would prefer a sale trade.
211 = Seen recently in a 2:1 sale but also lower priority.
99 = Higher Priority.
Items I might seek in the future to further my gallery collections, if I ever complete my dream customs first!
All of these are VERY LOW PRIORITY!!
This list is only made public for extra sale item trades you can offer (which many have been spotted in 2:1s) or gifts (which I am always very thankful for! :) ).