Things I'm somewhat attached to. These items are only uft for my wishes.
Amount = value. I have based my value on ~owls and my personal opinion.
Non-wearables include:
Bouncing Button Mystery Capsule - 7 caps
New Year 2011 Celebration Mystery Capsule - 8 caps
7th Birthday Cake Slice #2 - 1 cap
Candy Corn Cupcake - 5 caps
Nostalgic Baby Kougra - ???
If you want to trade, please NM me at Squattasxparadise~
My regular items UFT.
Amount = Value
All my junk lol. Ignore values on this list. Buyables are 4:1 for BFGBC
I really want these items!! Neomail me at Squattasxparadise if you are trading any of these and want anything from my UFT. (:
Casually seeking these items. Please neomail me if you are interested in trading. If item is marked "21" then I am hoping to find them in a 2:1 sale.
These are the rest of the contacts and eyes I need for my collection. If there is anything on this list, I am generally actively seeking the item(s). Please let me know if you are trading them and interested in something from my TL.
I am seeking these items for my side accounts. These are for permanent customizations, but I'm not in a huge rush to get them. NM my main account (Squattasxparadise) if you are interested in trading. 21 = Items I'm hoping to find in 2:1's.