Try me! Something on my high priority wishlist might work depending on value. neomail: wolfterritory5.
Please make an offer if you see something you like!
I also have 1xDamask Gift Box Mystery Capsule, 1xSilvery Winter Gift Box Mystery Capsule, 2xTwinkling Lights Gift Box Mystery Capsule. (updated Sept 2024). Neomail: wolfterritory5.
I really really want these items! Some of these I used to have before I was frozen and I miss them a lot. :'( Neomail for questions, offers, etc.: wolfterritory5.
This list is empty.Actively interested in these items for current pets. Feel free to contact for offers! I look at owls and DTI ratios, but also have weird attachments to certain pixels so might reject a fair offer now and then. Neomail: wolfterritory5.
Only casually seeking these items, but interested for a fair price. A few might be pipe dreams (the frames... cough cough) but it doesn't hurt to dream... Neomail: wolfterritory5.