jubertcat73's items

Neomail Jubertcat73 Jubertcat73's lookup

Items jubertcat73 owns

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Welcome to my trade list.

I have been a Neopian for over 20 years and also love to collect Kougra/Tiger Themed items which you can see my gallery wishlist for here.


I am always down to trade items, please neomail if your interested!!!

11/19/24: Reset time because my ADHD sucks and I always forget to update this list which I am so sorry!!!

As with the new UC styles coming out I am realizing I have no use for most wearables unless it's a background, foreground/garland (Things that aren't handhelds or wearables). I will ALWAYS be open to trading away my things.

To also reach me on Discord I am pbgalaxy

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Accessories UFT

This list is empty.

Backgrounds UFT

This list is empty.

Clothes UFT

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Frames UFT

This list is empty.

NC Trade List

All Items are for Trade

This list is empty.

Need to sort but UFT

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Items jubertcat73 wants

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Casually Seeking

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Highest Priority

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Not Sorted Yet

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Seasonal Wishes

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Side: ChibiLigerZero

This list is empty.

Side: PaintedFields

This list is empty.