kikitori's items

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Items kikitori owns

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1. UFT

UFT for wishes and custom.

Number = Personal value if different from ~Owls

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3. ETPW (2:1 Sale)

2:1 Any GBC
1:1 Dyepot

Will trade for wishes at regular value.

This list is empty.

Nonwearables UFT

7th Birthday Cake Slice #3
Nostalgic Grey Draik (swap only)
Deluxe/Regular Styling Studio Supplies
Several GBCs

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Items kikitori wants

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1. Seeking - Nostalgic Neopets

Nostalgic Baby Lupe
Nostalgic Darigan Kyrii
Nostalgic Faerie Zafara
Nostalgic Maraquan Eyrie
Nostalgic Plushie Aisha
Nostalgic Plushie Cybunny
Nostalgic Plushie Kacheek

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2. Seeking

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