emeraldtek's items

Neomail emeraldtechno emeraldtechno's lookup

Items emeraldtek owns

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0. intro

i have updated my WL with more items, as i have plenty of items i'd like to exchange.

if you have cotton candy sceptre UFT, let me know your WL because i have in-use items that aren't listed here.

some of these items are HTPW as i put a lot into obtaining them. i will have marked most of these as 1. it's just on a case by case basis, but i'm less fussy than most. most items i'm very open to trading because i'd rather have stuff i will use!

i'm not generally interested in GBCs for items valued higher than 2. i use /~waka for values.

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b. backgrounds

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e. foregrounds

This list is empty.

f. foreground items

Items emeraldtek wants

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These are items I'm looking for for customs I am in the middle of/want to make. Cotton Candy Sceptre is a dream

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