Trophy's items

Neomail catas_trophy catas_trophy's lookup

Items Trophy owns

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A1 Notes

All items listed are UFT unless otherwise noted. I just recently imported my closet to DTI so I'm still trying to find the best way to organize everything. I'm online daily and check my phone during work (lol) so feel free to neomail me about anything.

Currently accepting GBCs and Capsules on a conditional basis.

If you see something you like don't worry about my Wishlist (unless you have it) I know what its like to want something and have "nothing" to offer - send me a neomail and I'll do my best to make us both happy with items we want!

A lot of times I create a new custom based around items I saw on someones Trade List that made the hamster wheel in my head start turning. Hamtaro likes jewel tones and shiny things.

My customs tend to be monochromatic - working with one specific color. If you have a lot of items in one color I'll most likely break down and give you what you want LOL.

Check out my current customs and look book at:

Also recruiting NC Traders for my Guild. Grand Opening is 10/31 and we have 180+ Members. Please neomail me so we can start a conversation and be friends even if we don't trade.

My name is Trophy by the way, and I love making friends. Send me a neomail and I'll chat with you until the end of days!!

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BGs & BG Itmes - UFT

Everything listed is UFT

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Current Ensembles NFT

Make Me An Offer I Can't Refuse

This list is empty.

Frames, Garlands, FG Items


This list is empty.

Items Trophy wants

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