If I don't respond on the boards, please shoot me a NM! I will typically respond within 24 hours.
I will go based off Owls value + seeking/offering ratio, and also how much I want the item at that time. I'm usually open to discussing values and I try to stick on the lower end.
I am usually willing to accept GBCs/upcycle cookies/custom for most items (except my tradeable closet)
Everything you see is UFT, nothing is HTPW.
TOKENS UFT: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/nscangel/413504/
all items here are 2:1 for 1 gbc or 3:1 for 1 bfgbc
numbers are for my reference regarding which account the items are at!
2 - silvercages
3 - arsenicflame
4 - dreamanti
5 - aeroflux
made a separate category just so it would be easier to keep track of what i have!
Unique Species Green Gram x3 Unique Species Valentine Gram x3 (2 LE) Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x4 Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram x1 (LE) Pink Uni Club Sweetheart Gram x4
always accepting (bf)gbcs, lab/upcycle/faerie quest cookies, casual trades, and custom for this list
numbers = how much I value the item. if there is no number than I value it at 1-2
if this list is currently empty it means I've gotten basically all of my must-need wishes!! (until TNT releases more items lol)
catch all section for items that I think are nice and want to keep an eye on, but aren't always actively seeking. some of these are expensive wishes I'm hoping to get rereleased. feel free to still offer though!
numbers stand for my personal value, if there's no number then I value it at 1-2
items I have already but would want more of
may not be always accept offers from this list if I'm low on boxes and have other wishes I'm prioritizing
numbers stand for the max cap value I'm willing to pay for an item, if there's no number then I value it at 1-2