draik_bianca's items

Neomail draik_bianca draik_bianca's lookup

Items draik_bianca owns

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0. Please Read

If you make an offer and GHOST me after I accept, you will be blocked. I don't appreciate having my time wasted, if you found a trade elsewhere instead just tell me please!

This list is empty.

1. 2:1

I'll be generous with these, not attached

This list is empty.

4. General UFT

This list is empty.

Items draik_bianca wants

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1 Most Wanted

These are the highest priority wishes i.e. I know exactly what I want to use them for

This list is empty.

3. Lowest Priority Wishes

Stuff that I'm not super keen to trade for due to no plans, or too high value. These would be great as trade add ons but probably won't go out of my way to trade for these.

This list is empty.