vic_abrantes's items

Neomail vic_abrantes vic_abrantes's lookup

Items vic_abrantes owns

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How are you? I'm not a big trader, but I think this text is a good way to explain my trading habits.

I live in South America, english isn't my first language and due to time zone differences, my work and personal life, is almost impossible to schedule a time for a trade. I prefer to sent the items and hope for the best haha.

Also, I try to answer every neomail in less than 24 hours. Despite trying to be as fast as I can, I don't expect you to wait for my answer. I won't put you in a "bad list" if you already traded the items you offer an hour early to me, don't worry ;)

The neomail system is outdated and I have a focus and attention problem, so I may send you double messages and repeat questions, sorry in advance and thanks for being understanding!


Some items are in more than one Tradelist. This mean I have more than one of said item and the spares are usually Easy to Trade.

Sometimes I will do 2:1 and over offer and sometimes I will decline perfectly fair trades. Please don't be offended.

**I also have some Mystery Capsules UFT but Hard to Part With it" Retired Wonderclaw Mystery Capsule Retired Backgrounds Mystery Capsule Retired Backgrounds II Mystery Capsule NC Pet Styles Companion Mystery Capsule

My non wearable high priorities are:

7th Birthday Cake Slice #3

7th Birthday Cake Slice #1


Mystery Capsules

FQC and Potion Brew are equal to half of 1 GBO for me

last update: 15/06/2024 or 06/15/2024 if you're American

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My regular UFT list. I use the owls to value the items. I will prioritize item on my wishlists, but I like spooky and creepy items, so maybe I can make some exceptions. I may accept FQCs, GBO, Potion Brew, Retired Mystery Capsule or Custom for some of them

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UFT but Hard to Part With It

Most of these are only UFT for my priority wishes. Not all of them are super rare or well valued, but I'm attached to them, despite everything thing here being UFT.

I will look all offers and sometimes may trade for items outside my lists, but don't be offended if I declined a perfectly fair offer.

I use the owls to value them, but I put them on the more expensive side of the Owl values. (For example: if something is 1-2 owls, I will value as 2 owls).

At the moment, I may accept over offers of FQCs, GBO, Potion Brew or Custom for some of them.

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UFT: Easy to Trade

This list is for my easy to trade items. I still value them accordingly to Owls Values, but I'm open to trade most of them for mystery capsule, casual trades, FQC etc.

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Items vic_abrantes wants

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