jazzkat8911's items

Neomail jazzkat8911 jazzkat8911's lookup

Items jazzkat8911 owns

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1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by.

5 January 2025

I am online almost daily and update my TL/WL constantly. Feel free to offer on any and all of my items - I will trade fairly easily for my wishes or caps (depending on what I'm seeking). I may reject a fair offer in caps/cookies if I'm really wanting to save a more valuable item to trade for my Priority Wishes. I use the ~Owls guide for value reference :)

      Items marked 55 are PENDING TRADE

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These are more valuable/more popular items which I would prefer to trade for my wishes, and possibly hold onto for a little while more. I may be a little bit more picky with these ones, but happy for you to offer! Ignore numbers - these are just for my reference as to which account they live on and/or quantity. Some are on boxless sides, and I may need a GBC added to the mix if you'd like to trade for these ones!

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4. UFT - MAIN (jazzkat8911) 2:1 GBC 3:1 BFGBC

SEEKING 2:1 Regular GBC or 3:1 BFGBC

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Items jazzkat8911 wants

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All wishes from this list to be sent to my main - jazzkat8911

I base values on ~Owls

    Items marked with 99 are my first priority at the moment.
      Items marked 55 are pending trade.
        9921 indicates I'm hoping to find in a 2:1 sale

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WISHES - jazzkat8911_side1

My side account wishlists - Items I'd like to collect for future customisation plans. In no rush to get these, as I'd love to finish off my main permies as first priority! Would consider as fillers alongside current priority wishes :)

    Those marked with 21 I would love to find in 2:1 sales. 55 indicates PENDING TRADE

      Items to be sent to corresponding side acct (either jazzkat8911_side1 or jazzkat8911_side2). Have separated the WL for easy reference :)

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