blueivy18's items

Neomail blueivy18 blueivy18's lookup

Items blueivy18 owns

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I'm usually online at least once a day. I may occasionally miss a day on the weekend, but I do respond to neomails and will get back to you as soon as I can.

Alt. Styles and
Non-Wearables Tradelist:

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Mostly just seeking wishes, DSSS / SSS for these

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UFT - 1 Cap

1 Cap - (GBC / Archive Cookie / RR Cap) - Multiples for SSS/DSS

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UFT - 2 Caps

2 Caps - (GBC / Archive Cookie / RR Cap) - Multiples for SSS/DSS

This list is empty.

UFT - 2:1 Sale

2 items for 1 Cap - (GBC / Archive Cookie / RR Cap) - Multiples for SSS/DSS
- or - 1:1 for Dyeworks Hue Brew Potions

This list is empty.

UFT - Dyeworks Stuff

Only seeking wishes or other dyeworks for these

This list is empty.

Items blueivy18 wants

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