kris4210's items

Neomail kris4210 kris4210's lookup

Items kris4210 owns

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Items for trade and are not currently being used in Closet.

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NP items up for trade/sale. While I have tried to weed out some items that are no trade, some may still be listed. Apologies for any inconvenience when browsing.

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Items kris4210 wants

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NP Wishlist

Same here, looking for these items to lock in customizations on pets. Shoot me a NM with your asking price and we'll talk!

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Priority NC

Things I'd like in order to finish a custom.

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Randoms NC Wishlist

Just side items that would be fun to have. Kind of impulse, but I'd love to have them! Will be more likely to trade for these once Priority WL is empty.

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