cujocookie's items

Neomail cujocookie cujocookie's lookup

Items cujocookie owns

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1 Cap

This list is empty.

PB Clothing

You must have a pet of the same color to get the clothes. Send me a NM and we can set up a transfer.

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Items cujocookie wants

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1. WL Priority

Offering any TL for these, GBCs, & custom (if available)

777 = Trade pending

Also seeking:
-Retired Backgrounds Mystery Capsule
-MME RR caps
-Sweet Dreams & Nightmares Mutant caps

This list is empty.

2. WL Casual

Items I want eventually but I'm not desperate to have at the moment. Feel free to make offers but I may be more likely to reject depending on the state of my priority WL & box count.

This list is empty.

3. WL Dreams

I'm not really planning on actively trying to trade for these but they would be nice to have.

This list is empty.