saturn_glaive's items

Neomail saturn_glaive saturn_glaive's lookup

Items saturn_glaive owns

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Just some houserules:
Please ignore values, they're to tell me which side the item is currently situated.

Tokens UFT:
nostalgic darigan techo | ixi | hissi
regal royal girl lutari
nostalgic faerie poogle | hissi
nostalgic mutant hissi | skieth (htpw)
nostalgic plushie aisha
nostalgic grey grarrl (htpw)
celebratory anniversary draik | xweetok (vhtpw)

Wanted Tokens:
Regal Royalboy Xweetok
Plushie Baby Uni
Spooky Halloween Grundo
Eerie Ghost Hissi
Nostalgic Tyrannian Techo
Nostalgic Valentine Aisha
Nostalgic Valentine Ixi

Other Items for Trade:
7th Birthday Cake Slice #1 & #3 (x2) | FQC

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00. Closet Free Floating

Once upon a time I had plans for these items and now they're no longer concrete. Some may be VHTPW.
22 - selece_umi
33 - soyoungim
44 - scarletsmoke

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2. UFT - Backgrounds

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UFT - Misc Props/Garlands

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UFT - Sale 2:1

buyables - will always trade for GBCs

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Items saturn_glaive wants

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00. Active Priority Wishes

01. Semi-Actively Seeking

for temporary customs | pets not yet created | easier to find/cheaper alternate items for specific customs

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