rabisama's items

Neomail rabisama rabisama's lookup

Items rabisama owns

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Hi, I love casual trades and am online an unhealthy amount. If you see something you want from my trade list, NM me your closet anyway and I'll take a look.

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1 Cap (ish) Gram Items

Standard Items from Grams, can offer any of the standard (i.e. not LE) items from any of these grams:
Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x1
Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram x1
Pink Uni Club Sweetheart Gram x1
Unique Species Green Gram x1

This list is empty.

8+ Caps

Items rabisama wants

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1. Actively seeking

Items I'm searching the boards / DTI / jellyneo for.

This list is empty.

3. Maybe

This list is empty.