Hi, I love casual trades and am online an unhealthy amount. If you see something you want from my trade list, NM me your closet anyway and I'll take a look.
This list is empty.Happy to take a Faerie Quest Cookie to my main account (rabisama) for any of these items
Standard Items from Grams, can offer any of the standard (i.e. not LE) items from any of these grams:
Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x1
Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram x1
Pink Uni Club Sweetheart Gram x1
Unique Species Green Gram x1
Just NM to let me know you want to transfer a pet to rabisama (all clothes would be on this account), and I'll send back asap
Items I'm searching the boards / DTI / jellyneo for.
This list is empty.Items I'm hoping to trade my items for :)