eunhearthealer's items

Neomail eunhearthealer eunhearthealer's lookup

Items eunhearthealer owns

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These items are more precious. I'm just starting out after all. NM me if you'd like....

I am more open about trading items marked 99 on my TL for items marked 99 on my WL, but would still rather offer GBCs for my WL items. Items marked 100 are likely in closet and waiting for a pet to custom.

DW Red: Mutant Glowing Blue Contacts not currently up for trade. Sorry.

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Lending for GBCs/Items off my wishlist/Dyepots AND lending trade

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Items eunhearthealer wants

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Pretty Things Guide

These are pretty items I'd love to have one day. Not priority, may or may not work towards them.

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