taythecray's items

Neomail taythecray taythecray's lookup

Items taythecray owns

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Deals: Buyables and Dupes

Honestly if I have spare boxes you can just have these. Otherwise 2:1/3:1/4:1 - basically however many boxes = that many items.
516 means it's on a side, probably boxless

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Main Tradelist

Accurate as of March 2024
516 is a reminder for me the item is on a side
Also UFT: Pris Cocoa Festive Shoyru; Ice Chomby; Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x2; Retired Plushie Mystery Capsule; Prismatic Brushes x2; Training Cookie x1; Unique Species Green Gram x2

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Items taythecray wants

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