iridiscencia's items

Neomail dorkasaur_rex dorkasaur_rex's lookup

Items iridiscencia owns

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── 00. hello there ♡

Thank you for stopping by! If you'd like to work out a trade please neomail me.
Recently, I've been able to respond within the day. Currently not offering customs.
Please only message me if you can wait for a response.

Non-wearables wishlist:
Tokens wishlist:

⤷ Last updated: February 2025

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── 01. tradeable closet

These items are in my closet; I have some attachment but I'm willing to trade

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── 01a. UFT for Shimmery Body Blush & Wish Upon a Seat Trinket

── 02. dyeworks uft

Always willing to swap for DWs that I'm missing ~

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── 03. regular uft

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── 04. GBC Sale

For these I'd be willing to do 2:1 GBC / 3:1 BFGBC or 1 dyepot each!

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── np items for sale

Message me to offer or set up a private auction for these items!

This list is empty.

Items iridiscencia wants

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── 02. medium priority

Casually seeking

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── 03. low priority

Items I'd like to have but don't necessarily need at the moment.
Will typically trade for last if there are higher existing priorities or can be used as filler for big trades.

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