closet stuff i'm willing 2 trade!
i mostly trade to finish permanent customs for my pets, so i usually only seek WL items
feel free 2 inquire abt casual trades/customs/full cap value for items! i stockpile caps + i LOVE valentine items :o))))
supplies UFT; x1 sss
my tokens UFT; tyrannian kau, darigan grundo, quiguki boy, faerie gelert, maraquan meerca, alien aisha, tyrannian aisha x2, grey tonu, mutant kacheek
tokens i'm seeking; halloween kacheek, halloween lupe
items i rlly rlly desperately need ___ pls mail me if u have one you're willing to part with!
This list is empty.secondary items i want, i'm not desperate for these but i'm also not...not desperate for these either
This list is empty.i want these items but i'm not hard pressed to trade for/find them
This list is empty.