bipolarbree's items

Neomail bipolarbree bipolarbree's lookup

Items bipolarbree owns

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Hi there :)

Nothing on my list is VHTPW or HTPW - I do have higher value items and/or pops that I save for the right trade (e.g., when I'm looking for HTF or other expensive items) but you're always welcome to offer regardless. I am often open to custom as well, so please feel free to ask if you're ever curious.

I go by Owls values and also consider the ratio on DTI 2020.

I am a very chill trader and I try hard to reply to all NMs even just to decline. If I don’t reply, it’s likely I didn’t get your NM.

Numbers are quantity not values.

Happy trading! ^^

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Accessories / Trinkets / BG Items

Feel free to offer GBCs/cookies and also feel free to ask for 2:1 - I'll accept for most of these.

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Markings / Effects / Filters

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(Not in a list)

Items bipolarbree wants

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