My (and my side's) closet list is private so everything you see is up for trade :) Any non-wearables up for trade are also listed further down.
My lowest priorities are typically private too when I have multiple higher or medium level priorities.
My lowest priority list is typically items I think look cool but have no idea how to use so will probably just be in my gallery or on my lab pet (new custom for each new pet ;)). I may be willing to trade items for it though so neomail me your trade list if I have an item you want but it doesn't look as though you have anything I want (I have a ton of easy wishes in my lowest priority list so you'll likely have an item from there or maybe something I like that I haven't seen before!)
Note: Feel free to neomail me and as I am online daily barring any emergencies or holidays. If I haven't responded it might be because the neomail glitched and I did not receive it. I will ALWAYS reply to neomails even if it is to say no to the offer (though I typically say yes to my wishes or GBCs).
Last updated March 2025.
Main: sharon1997cat
Side: dont_earn_np_on_side
Please note if I have an item in two different lists like HTPW and UFT it means I have two of that item and I want to keep one if I can but do not need the spare :)
Stuff which for one reason or another is hard for me to part with (most likely because they are being used and/or were used in the past) but I may still be willing to trade for the right offer (could be items, GBCs, etc.)
Willing to lend these 2:1 for a GBC or 1:1 for a FQC or dyepot.
Also willing to lend for other items (wearable or otherwise, just ask!)
(If the item is also in the UFT list, please tell me if you want to borrow the item or keep it before we make the trade!)
This list is empty.Non-wearables I have up for trade are here:
https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=dont_earn_np_on_side (I may have more GBCs in my SDB)
Paint brush clothing I have. Not really for 'trade' as I don't want anything in return but if you need them, feel free to neomail so we can arrange the transfers!
These are up for trade and I am willing to do 3+:1 for GBCs. Also, willing to trade for items/cookies (ratio will depend on the item I'm trading for)
The number indicates how many I have up for trade if I have more than 1 of that item
These items are currently in my gallery/on my lab pet. Willing to trade for wishes, GBCs etc. (If you have a trade list not including my wishes or GBCs just try me, I may still like whatever item you are willing to trade for it. I'm not overly picky.)
The number indicates how many I have up for trade if I have more than 1 of that item
For the outfit https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/new?name=sillyme88&species=50&color=95&pose=HAPPY_FEM&objects%5B%5D=42926&objects%5B%5D=46192&objects%5B%5D=59678&objects%5B%5D=65518&objects%5B%5D=67818&objects%5B%5D=68062&objects%5B%5D=68917&objects%5B%5D=71071&objects%5B%5D=72175&objects%5B%5D=74851&objects%5B%5D=86967&objects%5B%5D=88785&objects%5B%5D=61555&objects%5B%5D=82851&objects%5B%5D=88412&closet%5B%5D=78992 for Sillyme88
This list is empty.Things I really really want :) I can offer BFGBCs for these :)
(Stuff that will complete my dream customisation)
Nonwearable(s) I'm looking for:
GBCs (always)
Stuff I want :)
(Stuff I can use for a customisation idea I had that I liked)
100: I had one once but traded it and now I want one again :(
This list is empty.Items recently released that I quite like but I'm waiting for prices to stabilise.
For the expensive ones (~50k or more) - I am looking for these items with jellyneo prices but may go higher if needed. (I prefer to buy rather than trade but if you have a non-wearable wishlist, neomail me and I'll be willing to trade!)
For the common/cheaper ones: They are here to remind myself to buy them when I have the time
999: High Priority
Stuff I like but haven't really decided a customisation for
Status: Public -> may trade for these depending on box status :) Feel free to ask but note I may reject if I am lacking boxes (sorry!)
Current Box Status: Can trade for some of these! :D