Feb 2025: Life is hectic right now and I am not online every day. I am currently only seeking my highest priorities (lists 00 and 01). Please only message me if you can be patient with response time - I should respond within 24-48 hours. If I don't, feel free to mail again, sometimes neo eats my messages!
My all-time highest priority is Dyeworks White: Holiday Angel Cape & Wig!! Please reach out if you are trading!
I use /~owls, DTI & DTI 2020, and looking at general supply/demand for values. I don't always agree with those values, if I reject an offer, it's not personal.
My TL is kind of a mess right now so bear with me while I get it up to my standard :)
Ask me about my hidden closet for high priority items
Using /~owls and DTI 2020 for values
Values all over the place, I may disagree with /~owls
I use occasionally or just really like and want to keep! Feel free to offer but please remember rejections aren't personal! Would prefer to trade for priority wishes. I may value higher than /~owls.
Currently available in NC Mall, happy to do 2:1
Recent rrs, dyeworks, things in my closet that I don't use frequently - not sure how I value yet but feel free to reach out!
Seeking ASAP! Current DW & RRs, seasonal, etc.
Ask if I can offer D/SSS
Things I want right now!! I will over offer!!
Ask if I can offer D/SSS
Things i really really want but less likely to over offer
Things I like but don't necessarily need - open to offers!
Probably only interested in these as filler, definitely not for higher priority items on my tradelist!
Seasonal items - for my own reference - generally not interested unless it's cross-listed in list 00. Seeking Now
Probably won't get but a gal can dream
Things I traded away and would like to replace at some point