gracysaurus's items

Neomail socraticsaurus socraticsaurus's lookup

Items gracysaurus owns

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1. Items UFT

Items marked 99 are HTPW but if you have wish of mine, feel free to ask!

Items marked 21 are eligible for a 2:1 GBC deal or 1:1 Lab Cookie deal

I have these retired GBCs:

  • Ocean Waves GBC (1) ID 75887 - valued 1-5
  • Blooming Flowers GBC (3) ID 77408 - valued 1-3
  • Lemony Splash (3) ID 77729 - valued 2-3
  • Glow in the Dark GBC (2) ID 77914 - valued 2-4
  • Winter Starlight GBC (3) ID 78923 - valued 2-3
  • Golden Clovers GBC (1) ID 79348 - valued 2-3
  • Misty Mountains GBC (1) ID 81247 - valued 1
  • Mermaid Dreams GBC (1) ID 81614 - valued 1
  • Mysterious Moonlight GBC (1) ID 81823 - valued 1-2
  • Mosaic Hearts GBC (2) ID 82309 - valued 1-2
  • Munching Meepits GBC (3) ID 84615 (BF) - valued 1
  • Dancing Candychan GBC (1) ID 84742 - valued 1

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2. Main - socraticsaurus

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Items gracysaurus wants

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1. Priority Wishes