Harder to Part With Items marked '99'.
My lists are always a work in progress. I try to keep things up to date, but sometimes I miss things and may no longer have the item. If this happens, apologies. Some items may also be on a boxless side.
I use Owls, mainly, for values.
Retired GBCs up for grabs:
• Twinkling Lights Gift Box Mystery Capsule (1)
• Kaleidoscope Dreams Gift Box Mystery Capsule (3)
• Mysterious Moonlight Gift Box Mystery Capsule (1)
• Dolled Up Uni Gift Box Mystery Capsule (1)
• Stormy Skies Gift Box Mystery Capsule (1)
• Cherry Blossom Gift Box Mystery Capsule (1)
I would really prefer to use my Highlights towards achieving larger wishes from my list. I may accept caps/custom, depending on the item. Lemme know what you're thinking!
Items currently promised to another user as we work out a trade!
Items currently available in the mall, recent caps, Dyeworks, etc. I wanna get these now, before they retire.
This list is empty.Items I either: A) Have CURRENT customization plans for, B) Need for my Gallery, or C) Am absolutely OBSESSED with.
Also seeking an Anniversary Aisha Token.
Items I may have customization plans for, but don't need right away. Definitely want these in my life though.
Do I like these? Heck yes! Do I have plans for them? Lol. No.
But, so pretty. I want them. Eventually.
Also the home of things I've traded and now need to replace.
Things my Neobestie, Guildmates & other pals are looking for! Always on the search for these.
Items I will generally only use during one Season/Holiday. Lowest priority.
Esta lista está vazia.Items I'm working towards and dreaming of.
Esta lista está vazia.Items I like, but I'm not really looking to trade for. Either it's over-valued (in my opinion) or I just don't think I'd actually use it/don't have ANY custom inklings for. Really just a reference list for myself. Maybe some filler items?