ferowbie's items

Neomail babyluda_7 babyluda_7's lookup

Items ferowbie owns

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0. Introduction

Hello! I'm Dani :) I currently looking for customs and casual trades! I use OWL. Please feel free to NM me. I also have the following items UFT:

Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram (no LE)

Gothic Charm Sweetheart Gram (no LE)

Pretty in Pink Sweetheart Gram (no LE)

Enchanting Sweetheart Gram (no LE)

Vintage Halloween Party Gram (no LE)

Everything Nice Fall Retired Mystery Capsule

Nostalgic Plushie Gelert

Last updated: 11/2024 (I tried my best lol)

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000. Visible Closet (VHTPW)

Items I use in customs but might be willing to trade for certain wishes/needed now.

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0000. Regular Trade List

Everything here is up for trade, please offer GBCs and item/item trades (prio).

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Items ferowbie wants

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Needed now

Items I need to complete customizations. Can offer unlimited customs and items from my TL. I will even offer highlights for some of these items!

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